What are lactation cookies?

Lactation cookies are a type of cookie specifically designed to support breastfeeding mothers in their milk production and overall lactation. These cookies are often made with ingredients known as galactagogues, which are substances believed to promote and increase milk supply.

Common ingredients found in lactation cookies include:

  1. Oats: Oats are a common ingredient in lactation cookies as they are rich in iron and fiber, and have been traditionally used to support milk production.
  2. Brewer's Yeast: Brewer's yeast is a nutritional supplement known for its high levels of B vitamins and minerals. It is believed to stimulate milk production.
  3. Flaxseed: Flaxseed is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and phytoestrogens, which may help with hormone balance and milk production.
  4. Fenugreek: While fenugreek is a herb often used in lactation support due to its potential to increase milk supply, we have decided NOT to include it in our products. When researching and experimenting with recipes we found that. one of the main side effects from using fenugreek is a gassy baby. Babies can be quite unsettled in the first 3 months so the last thing we would want is to assist milk supply but have increased gas.

These cookies are not only intended to provide lactation support but also serve as a delicious and convenient snack for breastfeeding moms. They offer a tasty and enjoyable way for nursing mothers to potentially boost their milk supply while indulging in a treat.


When should I start using lactation cookies and boosters?

As these products are natural, they are all completely safe to consume at any time during pregnancy, breastfeeding and motherhood. To get the best breast milk boosting benefits, we recommend starting to consistently use our products from around 35 weeks of pregnancy.


How many breastfeeding cookies should I eat?

The recommended number of lactation cookies to eat may vary depending on factors such as your individual needs, metabolism, and response to the ingredients. However, as a general guideline, it is often suggested to start with 1-2 lactation cookies per day and adjust as needed.

Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Start with a moderate amount: Begin by consuming 1-2 lactation cookies per day. This allows you to gauge your body's response and see if there is any noticeable impact on milk production.
  1. Observe milk supply and baby's response: Pay attention to your milk supply and how your baby responds to breastfeeding after incorporating lactation cookies into your routine. If you notice a positive effect on milk production or if your baby seems more satisfied after nursing, you may choose to continue with the current amount or gradually increase if desired.
  1. Consult with a lactation consultant: If you have concerns about your milk supply or are unsure about the appropriate number of lactation cookies to consume, it is advisable to seek guidance from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and situation. 

Remember that lactation cookies should be seen as a supplement to a well-balanced diet, proper hydration, and effective breastfeeding practices. It's also essential to listen to your body and make adjustments based on your individual response.


Do you have gluten and dairy free options?

Yes! You can choose from our Gluten and Dairy Free Choc Chip Cookie Mix, Mummy Boosters or Mummy Powder. When making cookies at home, you can use the following recipe for an egg substitute:

1 tbsp chia seeds

2.5 tbsp water

- combine chia and water and let it sit for 5 minutes to form a gel, before mixing it in.

While others may have omitted brewers yeast in their gluten free mixes, we have included our special gluten free brewers yeast for best results.


When should I seek additional breastfeeding support?

If you are concerned about your breast milk supply or your baby’s health, always seek help from a health care provider. Lactation consultants, breastfeeding counsellors, specialist nurses like child health nurses or doctors can also help with any breastfeeding questions or concerns you may have. The Australian Breastfeeding Association is a fantastic resource for information and support.